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Sunday, October 31, 2010

halloween and other things

I LOVE Halloween! It really is  my favorite holiday. I've already been to a few parties. I might go to another one tonight. I met this really HOT fellow on friday, and did a lot of making out on the dance floor. :) I know he wanted more, but I was quite tired and wanted to go home alone. If he's lucky, he'll get the chance. ;) This year, I'm dressing up as Blossom, the red Power Puff Girl. Adorable, right?

I'm working on a major art project right now that is driving me CRAZY. I hate deadlines because you can't rush good art, you know? But, real life is what it is. I have to finish seven paintings by January, and fourteen by April for a gallery showing. Totally do-able, but no easy task. Basically, I'm painting from a set of photographs my roommate took (she's a photographer) of all sorts of odd shots of NY. We ran around the city one day taking pics, climbing up things, sneaking into buildings, getting these really cool pics. So, the collection is kind of like a different look at NY, not the usual skyline crap. I have four easels up right now, four huge canvases half-painted, and right now, I hate them all. But, I've got to get back to work. Wish me luck!

I'll tell you more:
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